My favorite – Didos

Dakito Atestata is the clan chief and spiritual leader of the Shekacho in Ethiopia. He tries to preserve the didos, sacred places in the forest. They are threatened by deforestation.Dakito Atestata is the clan chief and spiritual leader of the Shekacho in Ethiopia. His most important task is to save the holy forest of his people from destruction. The sheka forest is the life, lungs and soul of the land and sacred to the shekacko.

But the human settlements continue to move forward, the procurement of firewood threatens the Didos, sacred places in the forest.
We often hear about threatened species, the value of biodiversity or the benefits of ecosystems. Sometimes one forgets why plants and animals are really worth protecting: because we love them, or because we depend on them for our own well-being. No matter who and where – many people around the world have their own personal favorites – their favorite species. For a variety of reasons: because it is especially beautiful or fascinating, or because it helps them to make a living. We show some of these people and their favorites in our series “My favorite”.