Ethiopian Music
Ethiopian music videos
Matias Kidane - Ewedish (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,338 Views / 1 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Dawit Melesse - Laltelash Kal Alegn (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,338 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Music Video Kirar Entertainment
Asaffaa Tashoomaa - Yaa'ee Gryyaa'ee (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,337 Views / 0 LikesAsaffaa Tashoomaa - Yaa'ee Gryyaa'ee (Ethiopian Music)
Zemenay Tiliku - Bichana Belay (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,337 Views / 0 LikesZemenay Tiliku - Bichana Belay (Ethiopian Music)
Fayyisaa Furii - Yoomiyyuu Siin Jaaladha (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,337 Views / 0 LikesFayyisaa Furii - Yoomiyyuu Siin Jaaladha (Ethiopian Music)
Abel Mulugeta - Wedo Ayskem Tirse (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,336 Views / 0 LikesAbel Mulugeta - Wedo Ayskem Tersa (Official Music Video 2016)
Asrebeb Tadege - (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,336 Views / 0 LikesAsrebeb Tadege - (Ethiopian Music) 344
Abebe Berihun - Arbegna Nat (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,336 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Kinfe Teklay - Abea Enahalkume - (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,336 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Amarech Alemu(Ami) - Nama (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,335 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Asaffaa Tashoomaa - Yaijooliyo (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,335 Views / 0 LikesAsaffaa Tashoomaa - Yaijooliyo (Ethiopian Music)
Guutuu Buntii Dargaggoo - Miisiroo (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,335 Views / 0 LikesGuutuu Buntii Dargaggoo - Miisiroo (Ethiopian Music)
Mr. Wina ft. Semon & Kall - Tewedeshal (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,334 Views / 1 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Alemayehu Tesfaye - Fano (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,333 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Music - official release Hope Music
Jote Deresu ft. Netsi - SHINEW MEWEDAT ( Ethiopian Music )
Added 1,333 Views / 1 LikesEthiopian Music Video Hope Entertainment
Kalayu Tadese - Bingo (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,333 Views / 0 LikesKalayu Tadese - Bingo (Ethiopian Music)
Alemayehu Erecha - Sakilign (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,332 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Comical Music
Gedena Aynekul - Mubah (Ethiopian Sudanese Music)
Added 1,332 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Sudanese Music - 2017 Hope Entertainment
Aster Aweke - Bedesasa Gojo (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,332 Views / 0 LikesAster Aweke - Bedesasa Gojo Original song Released 1978
Wegayehu Degenetu - Yikir Le Bete2 (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,332 Views / 0 LikesWegayehu Degenetu - Yikir Le Bete2 (Ethiopian Music)
Mesfin Ulma - Enjalign (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,332 Views / 0 LikesMesfin Ulma - Enjalign (Ethiopian Music) 238
Ketema Mekonnen - Salayish Yadersh (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,331 Views / 0 LikesKetema Mekonnen - Salayish Yadersh (Ethiopian Music)
Teddy Gwangul - Engenagnalen (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,329 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Cirstina Melkamu - Melamed (Ethiopian Music )
Added 1,328 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Music Minew Shewa Entertainment