Ethiopian Music
Ethiopian music videos
Teshome Mitiku - Ye Wello Lej (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,866 Views / 2 LikesTeshome Mitiku - Ye Wello Lej
Tilahun Gessesse - Yehiwote Hiwot (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,863 Views / 1 LikesEthiopian Music Video Kirar Entertainment
Abebe Teka - best music collection (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,854 Views / 0 LikesAbebe Teka - best music collection (Ethiopian music) 293
Eyerus Anteneh - Sayih Beruk (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,850 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Werknhe Asrat - Twedaje (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,850 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Seble Tadesse - Shege (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,848 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Music - 2017 Hope Entertainment
Tunke ft. Gildo kassa - Dance (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,847 Views / 1 LikesTunke ft. Gildo kassa - Dance (Ethiopian Music)
Ethiopian instrumental music (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,841 Views / 1 LikesEthiopian instrumental music (Ethiopian music) 61
Kaleabe Zelalem - Ney Ney (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,841 Views / 1 LikesEthiopian Music Minew Shewa Entertainment
Lij Michael (faf) non stop audio
Added 2,837 Views / 1 LikesLijMichael (faf) non stop audio 206
Mahlet Demere - Yene Desta (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,835 Views / 1 LikesMahlet Demere - Yene Desta (Ethiopian Music) 499
Eden Gebreselassie - Wesene (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,833 Views / 0 LikesEden Gebreselassie - Wesene (Ethiopian Music) 205
EBS Musica - Mikky Alem (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,832 Views / 1 LikesEBS Musica - Mikky Alem (Ethiopian music) 233
Zelalem Eshetu - Ney Belwat (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,831 Views / 1 LikesZelalem Eshetu - Ney Belwat (Ethiopian Music Video)
Dawit Alemayehu - Betizitash (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,830 Views / 3 LikesDawit Alemayehu - Betizitash (Ethiopian Music) 166
Temesgen G/Egziabher fantaye baregesh (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,829 Views / 1 LikesTemesgen G/Egziabher fantaye baregesh (Ethiopian music) 674
Ethiopia - Wendi Mak - Alehu (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,829 Views / 0 LikesEthiopia - Wendi Mak - Alehu (Ethiopian Music) 146
Epherem Tameru - Seifu Show (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,828 Views / 2 LikesEpherem Tameru - Seifu Show (Ethiopian music) 837
Gizachew Teshome - Tiz Alegn (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,825 Views / 1 LikesGizachew Teshome - Tez Alegn (Ethiopian Gondar music and dance)
Nazerit Hailemariam - Nama (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,825 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Sayat Demissie - Tew Manehe (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,824 Views / 4 LikesSayat Demissie - Tew Manehe (Ethiopian Music)
ESAT Tamagn - Dina Anteneh interview (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,823 Views / 0 LikesESAT Tamagn - Dina Anteneh interview (Ethiopian music) 393
Mikiyas Kebede - Sergegna (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,817 Views / 0 LikesMikiyas Kebede - Sergegna (Ethiopian Music Video)
Meseret Belete - Ante Gondere (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,817 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Traditional Music