Ethiopian Music
Ethiopian music videos
Abdu Kiar - Yene Mar (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,197 Views / 0 LikesAbdu Kiar - Yene Mar (Ethiopian Music) 378
Abdu Kiar - Zhiwa Zhiwe (Ethiopian Music)
Added 5,267 Views / 5 LikesEthiopian Music - Abdu Kiar - Zhwa Zhwe (ዥዋዥዌ) - Ethiopian Music (Official Audio)
Abdu Kiar - Zhwa Zhwe (Ethiopian Music)
Added 5,065 Views / 0 LikesEthiopian Music 2016 : Abdu Kiar - Zhwa Zhwe
Abdu Kiyar - Yene Mar (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,782 Views / 0 LikesAbdu Kiyar - Yene Mar (Ethiopian Music)
Abdy Jemal - Habiboye (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,250 Views / 0 LikesAbdy Jemal - Habiboye (Ethiopian Music)
Abe Werku - Melkuama (Ethiopian Music )
Added 2,844 Views / 1 LikesAbe Werku - Melkuama (Ethiopian Music )
Abeba Demeke - Belilign Gorded (Ethiopian music)
Added 1,140 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Abeba desalegn Bate Asaklugn (Ethiopian music)
Added 5,883 Views / 1 LikesAbeba desalegn Bate Asaklugn (Ethiopian music) 64
Abeba Desalegn Kurtegna Kehonek (Ethiopian music)
Added 5,939 Views / 3 LikesAbeba Desalegn Kurtegna Kehonek (Ethiopian music) 383
Abeba Desalegn & Tigist Fantahun - Irjign Abro Adege (Ethiopian Music)
Added 7,038 Views / 1 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Abeba Desalegn - Bate Asaklugn (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,519 Views / 2 LikesAbeba Desalegn - Bate Asaklugn (Ethiopian Music)
Abeba Desalegn - Emameye (Ethiopian music)
Added 3,439 Views / 2 LikesAbeba Desalegn - Emameye (Ethiopian music) 661
Abeba Desalegn - Gena Gud Yesemal (Ethiopian music)
Added 3,087 Views / 2 LikesAbeba Desalegn - Gena Gud Yesemal (Ethiopian music) 362
Abeba Desalegn - Girma Mogessie (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,499 Views / 1 LikesAbeba Desalegn - Girma Mogessie (Ethiopian music) 114
Abeba Desalegn - Layne (Ethiopian music)
Added 3,960 Views / 4 LikesAbeba Desalegn - Layne (Ethiopian music) 187
Abeba Desalegn - Teret Teret (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,273 Views / 0 LikesAbeba Desalegn - Teret Teret (Ethiopian Music)
Abeba Desalegn - Werewn Semichalu (Ethiopian Music)
Added 3,402 Views / 1 LikesEthiopian Music- Abeba Desalegn - werewn Semichalu
Abeba Desaligne - Ayewashgnmi (Ethiopian music)
Added 2,396 Views / 0 LikesAbeba Desaligne - Atewashgnmi (Ethiopian music) 743
Abeba Habtu - Endeminew Wolo (Ethiopian Music)
Added 3,195 Views / 2 LikesEthiopian song by Abeba Habtu - Endeminew Wolo Ethiopian Music 2015 (Official Video) 319
Abeba Habtu - Endeminew Wolo (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,199 Views / 1 LikesAbeba Habtu - Endeminew Wolo (Ethiopian Music)
Abebaw Abebe - Yageryalhe (Ethiopian Music)
Added 3,643 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Abebe Araya - Yiakleni (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,106 Views / 0 LikesAbebe Araya - Yiakleni (Ethiopian Music)
Abebe Berihun - Arbegna Nat (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,296 Views / 0 LikesAbout Ethiopian Music: Ethiopia a country of traditional music. Contemporary music has been gaining ground since the 1960s. But most musicians who produce modern songs also sing traditional songs because there is a huge audience for it. A long-standing po
Abebe Birhane - Angetwa (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,928 Views / 0 LikesAbebe Birhane - Angetwa (Ethiopian Music)